
Contents Page


{HTML Documents}

Admiralty Pilot, Vol 37. ..........(15 web pages for separate individual download.)


Anglesey and North Wales Coast Pilot............. (10 web pages for individual download.)


Swelly Channel ..........( Non-printable version of what we believe to be Captain Goddard's chart.)






{Acrobat PDF}

Admiralty West Coast of England Pilot, Vol 37Pdf (Very detailed 15 page 2.5 minute download with 56k modem. The authorative work - essential reference for serious study. Strongly Recommended


Anglesey and North Wales Coast Pilot. Pdf........... (The Yachtsman's Bible. 10 page minutely detailed coverage of navigation in the Menai Strait. An excellent companion to the Admiralty Pilot.)


Swelly Channel Pdf............. (Printable pdf of what we believe to be Captain Goddard's chart. - High resolution, slow download - the definitive chart of the Swellies.)


Ship's Deck Logbook = 14 April 1953 Pdf